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姓名:Hong, Jeongmin(洪正敏)





课题组网址/Group Website: 

bv伟德国际体育光学与电子信息学院/School of Optical and Electronic Information, HUST

教育和研究经历/ Education and Professional Experience

1996-2002 B.E. Pukyong National University, Pusan, Korea.

2003-2006 M.S. Rensselaer Polytechnic Institute, Troy NY, USA.

2007-2009 Ph.D. University of California-Riverside, Riverside CA, USA.

2013-2016 Postdoc University of California-Berkeley and Lawrence Berkeley National Lab, Berkeley CA, USA.

2017-2018 Research Professor Florida International University, Miami FL, USA.

2018-至今bv伟德国际体育研究员/ HUST, Professor

研究兴趣/ Research Interests

My projects include (1) energy efficient electronics using2Dnanostructures and spin transfer torque magnetic tunneling junctions (STT-MTJs), (2) futurelow energy data storage systems using “Nano-probe”, (3) low energy multifunctional materials characterizedusingsynchrotron radiation at the Advanced Light Source (ALS)and Bessy-II, (4) nanoMedicine (multifunctional nanoparticles based drug delivery systems).

代表性论文/ Representative Publications

[1]J.Hong,K. Dong, J. Bokor, L. You, “Self-assembled single-digit nanometer memory cells,”Appl. Phys. Lett.113(6),062404 (2018).(featured at Phys.org)

[2]J. Hong,M.Stone, B. Navarrete, K. Luongo, Q. Zhenget al.,“3D multilevel spin transfer torque devices,”Appl. Phys. Lett.,112(11),112402 (2018).

[3]J. Hong,A. Hadjikhani, M. Stone, F. I. Allen, V. Safonovet al.,“The physics of spin transfer torque switching in magnetic tunneling junctions in sub-10-nm size range,” IEEE Trans. Magn., 52, 1400504 (2016).

[4]J. Hong, B. Lambson, S. Dhuey, J. Bokor, “Experimental test of Landauer’s principle in single-bit operations on nanomagnetics memory bits,”Sci. Adv.2(3),e1501492 (2016).(featured at multiple media including Fox news, DailyCalifornian, UC Berkeley, LBNL)

姓名 洪正敏 职称职务 研究员
专业方向 集成电路工程系 电话
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